
Kidney stones(Ashmari)

Doctor’s Corner: Kidney stones(Ashmari) DetailsKIDNEY STONES/RENAL CALICULI:- (VRUKKA ASHMARI ) DEFINITION: Kidney stones are formed due to crystallization of minerals and waste materials found in urine. Size of the kidney stone might vary from the size of a pinhead and may pass easily while defecating urine, or it can be as large as grapefruit which


Doctor’s Corner: Insomnia DetailsInsomnia is a state of inadequate sleep. It may take the form of an inability to fall asleep or of a tendency to wake up in the night and be unable to go back to sleep. It is called as “anidrata” according to Ayurveda. Sleeplessness/nidranasa occurs due to increase vata dosha. Disturbed

Infertility (Vandhyatwa)

Doctor’s Corner: Infertility (Vandhyatwa) DetailsFEMALE INFERTILITY: STRI VANDYATVA Failure to achieve conception by a couple of mature age, having normal coitus, during appropriate period of menstrual cycle, regularly ,atleast for one year is termed as infertility.Harita (commentator )has defined vandhyatva (infertility) as a failure to achieve a child rather than pregnancy, because he has included,

Indigestion (Mandagni)

Doctor’s Corner: Indigestion (Mandagni) DetailsAgni, literally means fire and refers to the fire like activity in the alimentary canal, responsible fordigestion of food and its assimilation. This process takes place continuously in the body. Agni isrepresented by various types of enzymes in the gastro-intestinal tract and in the tissue cells themselves . Depending upon the

IBS/ Crohn’s disease/Sprue (Grahani)

Doctor’s Corner: IBS/ Crohn’s disease/Sprue (Grahani) DetailsAccording to Ayurveda, Crohn’s disease can be compared to ‘Grahani’disease. GRAHANI: An anatomical term used to describe small intestines (specifically Ileum and jejunam). Any vitiation or inflammation to this particular part by imbalanced Doshas {Vata(air), Pitta(fire), Kapha(water)} can cause a wide variety of symptoms similar to that of Crohn’s


Doctor’s Corner: Hypertension DetailsHYPERTENSION AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: is high pressure in the arteries and it is abnormal. It is known as the ‘silent killer’ because there are usually no symptoms. May be revealed only after a check up or more seriously, after a stroke or heart attack. Value above 140/90 mm of Hg is

High Cholesterol (Hypercholesterolemia)

Doctor’s Corner: High Cholesterol (Hypercholesterolemia) DetailsCholesterol is a type of fat present in the blood in small quantities. Having excess cholesterol in the body is called Hypercholesterolemia. It is normal and healthy to have cholesterol but very high levels of cholesterol are dangerous. It can accumulate round the lining of our arties and make them

Heel Spur

Doctor’s Corner: Heel Spur Details Heel Spur can be correlated with VataKantaka in Ayurveda. This is a common cause of heel pain which is predominant at the age of 40 to 60. This condition occurs due to kapha dosha along with vata dosha. Vitiation of kapha leads to inflammation in the joint. Excess calcium deposition

Hair Care/ Hair fall/ Alopecia

Doctor’s Corner: Hair Care/ Hair fall/ Alopecia DetailsAyurvedic classics consider Kesha as an Upadhatu and also as a Mala (waste product) of Asthi dhatu (bones). Kesha are the elements that grow on the scalp (mastaka). The definition for kesha means the one that is sheltering over the head. Kesha is the word derived from root


Doctor’s Corner: Gulma/Granthi/Tumour DetailsGulma means Deep – rooted adherent nature. Gulma is so called because it has its root in confounded, Vaayu, originates from deep source like a shrub   Cause1. Excess intake of Vata aggravating foods (dry, light, rough, spicy)2. Constipation or improper bowel habit3. Suppression of natural urges4. Pressure exerted by external causes