
Weight management/ Obesity (Medoroga)

Doctor’s Corner: Weight management/ Obesity (Medoroga) DetailsAccording to Ayurveda, a condition where a person gains excessive weight is called Sthoulya. It is often referred as ‘Medorog’ .It is the condition of the body ,characterised by over-accumulation of fat (Meda) under the skin and around certain internal organs. It has imbalance of one of the three

Vitiligo (Shwetakushta)

Doctor’s Corner: Vitiligo (Shwetakushta) DetailsThis is the non-infectious disorder of the skin where white lesion (patches)are formedVitiligo in Ayurveda can be compared to ‘Shvitra’ or ‘Shweta Kusth’ Ayurvedic View- It is due to the vitiation of doshas, predominantly kapha (water) and pitta (fire), but can be considered as Tridoshaja Vyadhi (all three doshas are involved).

Uterus Prolapse(prasransini yoni vyapad)

Doctor’s Corner: Uterus Prolapse(prasransini yoni vyapad) DetailsUterine Prolapse is a condition inn which the pelvic muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus in place start sagging resulting in a downward displacement of the uterus between the bladder and the rectum. The word yoni refers to vaginal canal and uterus, thus prolapse of vaginal wall and

Uterine Fbroid(Raktagulma)

Doctor’s Corner: Uterine Fbroid(Raktagulma) DetailsAccording to Ayurveda, a uterine Fbroid or Raktagulma is caused due to excessive mental stress, long-term emotional suppression, lack of exercise and the consumption of kapha and vata-exacerbating foods (particularly devitalised junk food, wheat, refined sugar and excess dairy), the digestive fire gets vitiated and dushita kapha where it is unable

Urticaria (Udarda/kotha)

Doctor’s Corner: Urticaria (Udarda/kotha) DetailsAccording to ayurveda this condition comes under ‘Shita-Pitta’. It is also known as Nettle Rash or Hives. Utricaria is a red,raised ,itchy skin rash which could possibly be triggered by some allergic reaction or an allergen. CAUSES:Intestinal wormsExposure to cold airStressFood allergiesDrug allergiesAn insect bite or stingExtreme temperatureExcessive scratchingLiver malfunctionPoor digestionSYMPTOMS:


Doctor’s Corner: U.T.I DetailsUTI is a bacterial infection that can affect any part of the urinary tract (urethra,bladder or kidney). Women’s are more prone to this infection.Ayurveda believes that aggravated Pitta produces heating toxins in the body which accumulate in the mutravah strota (urinary channels) causing UTI.In Ayurved ,it is called as ’MutraKricha’ which means

Thyroid Disorders (Galaganda)

Doctor’s Corner: Thyroid Disorders (Galaganda) DetailsTHYROID (GALAGANDA) and Treatment in Ayurveda   Thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck. It only weighs about one ounce,yet it is one of the most important endocrine glands of the body. Its major function is to produce hormones which are responsible for metabolism

Skin Infection (Ring Worm)/ Skin Rash

Doctor’s Corner: Skin Infection (Ring Worm)/ Skin Rash DetailsRingworm is a Fungal Infection of the skin. It is a burst out condition of the skin , mostly Contagious.It is also called as “Dermatophytosis” or ‘TINEA’According to Ayurveda this condition is called as ‘DADRU’- is due to predominant vitiation of Kapha & Pitta which leads to

Skin care/ Skin pigmentation/ Wrinkles

Doctor’s Corner: Skin care/ Skin pigmentation/ Wrinkles Detailshttp://www.omvedicheritage.com.sg/skincare.html Skin pigmentation is irregular skin colouring which can be caused by changes in the skin melanin, vascular changes, or growth of foreign organisms on the skin. According to Ayurveda there are three basic body energy principals in our body (vata, pitta and kapha). Pitta is composed of


Doctor’s Corner: Sinusitis DetailsSinusitis is the inflammation of one or more of paranasal sinuses,often as the complication of rhinitis. In Ayurvedic medicine sinusitis is discussed under the classification of Pratishyaya and related conditions including pinasa,it is a tridoshaja vyadhi (involvement of vata,pitta and kapha).According to Madhava Nidana pratishayaya is caused by several factors,including suppression of