
Diarrhoea (Atisara)

Doctor’s Corner: Diarrhoea (Atisara) DetailsAtisara in Sanskrit means “excessive passage of watery stools”- “Ativa sarati iti Atisaram”. The symotoms of Atisara is quite similar to Diarrhoea. Cause Eating Dry Meat,Non fatty and dry food in large quantity. Improper oleation therapy worms(Intestinal parasites) Supression of Urges and such others. Pathogensis Due to the above cause Vata(Air)

Diabetes Mellitus (Prameha)

Doctor’s Corner: Detox DetailsDetoxification is the elimination or removal of toxin(Ama) from the body. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins from the body. We live in an environment where we are exposed to different types of pollutants, radiations and stress on a daily basis which causes accumulation of toxins in


Doctor’s Corner: Detox Details Detoxification is the elimination or removal of toxin(Ama) from the body. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins from the body. We live in an environment where we are exposed to different types of pollutants, radiations and stress on a daily basis which causes accumulation of toxins

Dengue (Dandaka Jwara)

Doctor’s Corner: Dengue (Dandaka Jwara) Details DENGUE FEVER (Dandaka Jwara) Ayurvedic Perspective Dengue fever is transmitted by Aedes mosquito.There is no vaccine to prevent but there are ways to prevent or avoid getting infection by not allowing stagnation of water at home.AYURVEDIC VIEW :- The ayurvedic name for dengue is DANDAKA JWARA. This isease is

Constipation (Vibandha)

Doctor’s Corner: Constipation (Vibandha) Details Constipation is the infrequent and difficult passage of stools. Although the frequency of elimination varies from person to person constipation is medically defined as fewer than 3 bowel movements per week.Constipation in ayurvedic view is ’vibandha’ which is mainly due to vata kara ahara and is because of apana vata


Doctor’s Corner: Chikunguniya DetailsCHIKUNGUNIYA :- Ayurvedic conceptThe concept of communicable diseases is well established in Ayurveda. Charaka has mentions epidemic conditions under the heading of ‘Janpadodhwamsa’.Though there is no direct reference of Chikunguniya, but it can be equated with the condition when jwara is associated with arthritis. In ayurvedic literature we can find such references

Cervical Spondylosis (Greeva graham)

Doctor’s Corner: Cervical Spondylosis (Greeva graham) Details Cervical spondylosis Cervical spondylosis, also known as cervical osteoarthritis is a common, age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in the neck. It develops from wear and tear of the cartilage and bones in cervical spine. While it’s mainly due to age, it can be caused by

Back pain (Kati graham)

Doctor’s Corner: Back pain (Kati graham) DetailsAccording to ayurveda kati soola (Back pain ) is due to vitiation of vata dosa.CAUSES OF BACK PAIN: The causes of back pain are numerous.some back pain causes are accidents,muscle strain & sports in juries.The back pain causes are depend on the age also.IN CHILDREN: Due to muscle weak

Autism (Unmada)

Doctor’s Corner: Autism (Unmada) DetailsAutism is a developmental disorder. Onset is at the age of 1 to 2 years. Autism disorder affects behaviour,development and communication. According to Ayurveda all neuro psycological disorders comes under “UNMADA” The vitiated doshas moves upward and affects the brain regions and causes unmade. CAUSES: Genetics Vitiated doshasIncompatible foodContaminated foodPoluted foodInjuries

Asthma (Shwasa)

Doctor’s Corner: Asthma (Shwasa ) DetailsDetails- Asthma is a respiratory tract disorder in which there is obstruction of easy flow of air in the lungs.It is a chronic obstructive disease of the airways of lungs where bronchial tubes get obstructed or inflamed.As per Ayurveda it is a Pranvaha Stroto Vikar and is called as “